AN UNUSUAL exhibition is on at the Ann Bryant Gallery in East London, where internationally acclaimed poet Amitabh Mitra is taking visitors on a poetic ride.

The exhibition opened on Tuesday, 12 July and ends on 28 July.

Mitra, a medical doctor practising at Frere Hospital, is a widely published poet, working on the Internet and in print. He writes about his experiences of social interaction and the effect of culture in countries like India, Bhutan and Zimbabwe. He worked in all of these nations, under varying conditions.

Talking about Mitra's writing style, gallery curator Leon du Preez said he liked writing about his hometowns of Gwalior and Delhi, in India. "He writes beautifully, mostly about love and about his hometown – the way of life and other things in Gwalior."

The poet has released a CD called A Slow Train to Gwalior, on which he recites 10 of his most popular poems to traditional African and Indian music.

However, the gallery was exhibiting his first show of poems, drawings, visuals and prints, said Du Preez. He used a mixture of words, lines and colours.

"He uses words and pictures to give the reader an idea or a picture of what they are reading about."

14 July 2005
Article from Buffalo City Municipality website